Anyway, I killed 5 of Countess Eadhburh's family members (she's the only surviving member) then took her county. I launched my armies at the province, quickly taking it and giving it to my eldest son. Thankfully, shortly afterwards I managed to fabricate a claim. But in in the time it took me to deliver it, Countess Eadhburh gained the 'charitable' trait, which nullified the relation boost from giving the Pope the Finger. I changed tactics, trying to get the Pope to grant me a claim on her lands, sending him the Finger of St John. Same plot, same plotters, but noooo, this time she dodged the assassin (maybe planning to throw a third child off the castle walls wasn't the smartest idea?). 5 family members down, only one left, Countess Eadhburh. I then had the next two in line thrown off the castle walls. It took 3 years, but when he turned 7 and went out hunting for the first time, he didn't come back. I couldn't have that, so plotted to kill him. So now his son, all of age 4, was in charge, and pissed at me too for some reason. I chose the latter, though he died shortly afterwards anyway. I won, of course, and had the option to kill him or take his leg off. Which I accepted this time, given he was at -25 combat score. He took this badly, and upon being released he challenged me to a duel. (My liege was like 'cut that war out', but I had a favour with him and was like 'nah') I realised he couldn't pay the ransom, so I had him put on the rack instead. So I launched a rivalry war against him, crushed his armies and imprisoned him. Though as my involvement with the plot became known, his son was rather pissed at me. I plotted to kill the head, and had him ambushed by bandits. I tried all game to fabricate a claim on it, but while waiting on that I decided to have some fun with the Yorkdale family.

The County of Yorkdale was where the real action was though. I got my son married off and promptly ended up seducing his wife, my daughter in law, impregnating her twice! He challenged me to a duel over it but I was like 'nah, you're good' after seeing his personal combat score, then continued the affair.

Turns out it gave me lots of money and made Hull the most prosperous province in England (59.7 tax income to London's 55.1.) So that was nice! I also made a large garden and friends with a Finnish Chief, so that was all good. I decided to go for the Business focus, mostly because I didn't know what it did and figured it sounded interesting. He created a Duchy at the start of the game, and gave it to his heir.